TCD Science Gallery Fail Better


  • They’re not always silver-lining stories, but even abject failures represent something redemptive.” – Tessa Delehanty, Fail Better Curator

Fail Better exhibition is on at the Trinity College Dublin Science Gallery through the end of April. A review “Noble failures celebrated in unique Dublin show” (thanks Chris) highlights some of the tragi-comical exhibits including…

  • ’Apparatus for Facilitating the Birth of a Child by Centrifugal Force’. Invented in 1965 by well-meaning New Yorkers George and Charlotte Blonsky, it’s designed to rotate a pregnant woman, safely strapped into stirrups, at a speed dictated by a large dial at the end of the machine (“It goes up to 7Gs,” says Delehanty) ultimately leading to a newborn baby being propelled from the womb into a net. ‘When the baby lands in the net a bell rings,’ says Delehanty. ‘In case no one was paying attention…Fiennes’s mistake, when he failed to climb Everest in 2005, was partly down to his choice of boots. These sit in the unpacking room waiting to go into a display case. ‘He didn’t clean them before shipping them,’ says [exhibitions manager Ian] Brunswick. ‘They still have the dirt on them. It’s his failed Everest dirt.’”